Friday, October 29, 2010

The Traitor is Us

Read Luke 22:14-23

And they began to enquire among themselves, which of them it was that should do this thing. –Luke 22:23 (KJV)

I think we often give Judas too hard of a time. We forget that the disciples didn’t fully understand who Jesus was until after the resurrection and until after they had received the gift of the Holy Spirit. In the days leading up the death of Jesus, there had to have been a tremendous amount of tension, confusion, and uncertainty. Unfortunately, Judas allowed this uncertainty to get the best of him, and he unwittingly played a part in the greatest betrayal in human history.

But, honestly, are we so much different than Judas? How often do we betray Jesus with our words, our actions, and our attitude? How often do we choose worldly gain over heavenly investments? The disciples seemed to be surprised that Jesus thought one of them even capable of such an act, and yet each one of the abandoned Him on the night of His crucifixion.

This is the beautiful thing about Jesus…He knows what we are capable of all along and loves us in spite of ourselves.

Praise be to Jesus for His unfailing love!!!

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